New Beginnings Christian Church is an assembly of born-again Christian believers wishing to serve the community through a number of ministries. Young and old, married and single, parents and children, and people from all walks of life- have one thing in common, a desire to serve God and share His blessings with everyone!
Our Pastor
Our Pastor, Rev. Tom Ciccarella, and his wife, Zoraima, have been in the ministry for 34 years. They both are graduates from Zion Bible College and have been working in churches since 1977. They ministered in a number of churches both in the United States and Canada. Rev. Tom Ciccarella has been a credential holder through the International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies since 1974. Pastor Tom and his wife have been in Greenville, Pennsylvania since July 2001.
International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies
New Beginnings Christian Church is affiliated with the pentecostal movement called International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies, formerly known as the Christian Church of North America, with its headquarters located in Transfer, PA.
How we began
New Beginnings Christian Church began on May 8, 2002 with 30 persons, including children, under the leadership of Rev. Tom Ciccarella, the current pastor. A new hope and vision was birthed as “New Beginnings Christian Church” was formed. The first service began as a picnic gathering. Significantly, a baby dedication was part of that service as the church’s theme: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV) was chosen. Soon a rental facility was found at a community Grange where the church family met for three years. It was during that time that the vision was birthed to build a permanent facility. The church family united together in the vision and raised funds towards purchasing land. In the course of time, another church building became available to rent until the vision became a reality. For two years, the church continued to be faithful until land became available.
In 2004, land was purchased with cash as God supernaturally provided the funds and plans began for the construction of a new facility. NBCC became incorporated in 2004 as New Beginnings Christian Church of Greenville, Inc. On Christmas Eve, December 24, 2006, the first service at the current location, 73 Hamburg Road, Greenville, PA was held.
On May 6, 2007, a dedication service was held with over 200 in attendance. Local pastors, government officials, friends and family joined to celebrate God’s provision. Through sacrificial giving and committed faith, the land was purchased and the vision for a house of worship became a reality. NBCC has always held to the view that “it’s the journey, not the destination.” As Isaac settled in the Promised Land, he dug a well and called it Rehoboth, and stated: “Now the LORD has given us room and we will flourish in the land” Genesis 26:22(NIV). It’s been an interesting and challenging journey. All along the way, God has been faithful.
How we are organized and supported
The church board is composed of a Pastor, who is an ordained minister, and committee members, elected by the congregation for a four year term. The ministries of the church, its missionary program plus the building are financially supported by the tithes and freewill offerings of its members and friends. As a non-profit organization, the church may issue income tax receipts to those who support its ministries.