Berean is part of a larger denomination known as the Presbyterian Church in America. This denomination was founded in 1973 but has its roots in the Protestant Reformation. This denomination came into existence because of a need for a strong scriptural, evangelical and reformed witness to Christ. It is a denomination which affirms the Scriptures as the infallible Word of God. It is a denomination committed to evangelism and Christian education. The birth of the local church, Berean, goes back to 1981 when a group of people saw a need for this type of witness in the Ellwood City area. The name Berean came from a church mentioned in the Book of Acts (17:11) which received the Word of God with eagerness and was daily diligent in the study of His Word. Salvation through faith in Christ alone is the focal point of our ministry. The church is composed of a warm, friendly group of people who love the Lord and desire to minister to one another as they serve the Him. The church is united first through Christ. We welcome all to come and worship with us and learn about our Wonderful Savior who is Jesus Christ the Lord.
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